Thursday, May 7, 2009

Cilla's 60th Birthday

We celebrated Cilla's birthday tonight and Frank had Del Moody come over and perform a song that he wrote for her.


Shea said...

such a perfect song for cilla! too bad landry is coughing so much in the background!

Robyn said...

Such a thoughtful gift! Happy Birthday Cilla, I'll never forget what day it is again!

jowo said...

That was'd you manage to make it through that whole song without breaking down and crying hysterically. I would have been sobbing!
Again to you--Happy B-day!

Apron Appeal said...

I am not a blog stocker I swear. I actually found your blog because I had googled 'The Del Moody Family'. I do it whenever this time of year rolls around. I married into a family of Christmas fanatics who start listening to Christmas music on the day after Thanksgiving...Canadian Thanksgiving (For any non Canadians that the beginning of October!) and for the record, not a soul in the family is Canadian. I digress.

Anyway, thier favorite music of the season is an ancient tape they have from the Del Moody Family. Over the years they have written letters trying to locate this amazing this little family because they wanted to get more copies of the 'cassette tape' :o to give out to friends and family but their fan mail never got returned.

Long story short. Can you please tell your friend Del Moody that their biggest fans live in Indiana and are desperate to replace their Christmas tape with a digital version before the tape snaps and can never be heard again.

I shutter to think of Christmas without "Santa Clause is Going on a Diet" and "Tell the Children" If you are able to give us any information on how to contact the Del and his Family I would appreciate it greatly.

Gwenevere Bland

P.S. You do look fantastic if 60 is really the age you are celebrating. Please don't make your blog private just because some stranger is desperate to get in touch with some other stranger.
