Saturday, April 5, 2008

"Vanna" and Grandpa build a snowman

It has been awhile since I posted anything on the blog and thought I would do a little catch up with some of the pictures we have taken (primarily of the grandkids in the last few months)

On one of Savanna's Tuesdays with Grandpa and Grandma, we had a nice snowstorm and Savanna wanted to build a snowman. She rolled the snowball into a big part of the body and directed the rest of the creation. Nothing more enjoyable than spending quality time with my "Princess"


Shea said...

I like the new posts!

Blayne said...

We are in Vegas and we don't miss the snow or raccoons,

Sommer said...

Dad, I am so impressed you posted on the blog. I love the pictures. The apple dumpling gang is classic :)