After eating a yummy dinner including all my Mom's favorites, my Dad surprised us all with the most amazing birthday cake I have ever seen. On the cake, was my Mom's 'road through life'. The road started at the bottom tier of the cake with my Mom and Dad's wedding, and wound around all three tiers, including all of the kid's birthdays (every single birthday was wrong, and my Dad claims he gave the cake maker the correct birthdays and she messed them up- I am not quite so sure), each of the grandkids, and all of my Mom's favorite things like 'Cilla's day', home, and music. It was so fun to look at, we admired it forever and almost didn't dare cut into it to eat because it was too cute to ruin.

After we admired the cake, there was a surprise knock at the door. It was one our longtime family friends- Del Moody. He had written a birthday song (my Dad asked him) for my Mom. It was the sweetest, and most hilarious song ever. He has a beautiful voice, and got my Mom down to a tee.
To top off the night, the entire family took a walk around the block together. It was so enjoyable. I hope my Mom had the best birthday ever. Thanks Dad for being so sweet and thoughtful, and putting it all together. We all love you both.